E.R.I.C. Cancer Initiative Kenya

Kenya Chapter

E.R.I.C. Kenya, established in June 2024, promotes breast cancer awareness. Using a 40-20-40 Model, they focus on education, screenings, and support. Their team values integrity, impact, collaboration, and encourages public involvement.

Welcome To E.R.I.C. Cancer
Initiative Kenya

E.R.I.C. Cancer Initiative Kenya was founded by Early Recognition Is Critical (E.R.I.C.) in June 2024. We are committed to creating awareness about breast cancer and promoting breast self-examination techniques for early recognition of the disease in communities across Kenya. Our aim is to influence positive lifestyle changes and healthy seeking behaviors around breast health among women and girls of reproductive age.

Cancer Burden in Kenya

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, and Kenya is no exception. Breast cancer is among the top cancers affecting women in Kenya, with thousands diagnosed each year. E.R.I.C. Cancer Initiative Kenya aims to raise awareness about breast cancer in Kenya and believes that everyone deserves access to quality cancer care, regardless of their status or location. Despite this, many Kenyans lack access to cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care.

About the Kenya Chapter

Our Vision

To save lives by early recognition of breast cancer.

Our Mission

To prevent and respond to breast cancer by raising awareness towards early recognition being critical in breast cancer management. We foster this through awareness creation, partnerships for patient support, and capacity building.

Our Goal

To contribute towards the reduction of the breast cancer burden amongst Kenyan women and girls of reproductive age by ensuring a knowledgeable population and a positive response towards early recognition of the disease.

What We Do

We provide free breast cancer education, teach self-breast exams, and follow-up support to the women of Kenya using our 40-20-40 Model:

40% Education and Outreach

  • Survey the community to assess the current state of breast cancer awareness.
  • Conduct seminars with Village Health Teams as ambassadors of change.
  • Conduct health education sessions using breast cancer teaching aids.

20% Screenings

  • Demonstrate and teach the breast self-examination technique for early detection of breast cancer signs and symptoms.
  • Organize medical camps in partnership with other stakeholders to provide diagnostic screenings.

40% Follow Up Support

  • Provide follow-up support after screening findings.
  • Link individuals to healthcare systems for continuum of care.
  • Partner with community-led organizations to provide additional care.
  • Conduct routine follow-ups by the E.R.I.C. team to assess the management process.

Our Core Values

Our Team

Esther Omuseni

Executive Director

Elekiah Anguko

Programs Manager

Roselyne Achieng

Program Coordinator

Steven Ogingo


Mercy Mbago


George Otieno

Communications Director

Caroline Akinyi

Brand Ambassador

Faith Ong'onda


Enidy Amagove


Peryline Odongo


John Diang'a


Eva Makechi


Rhoda Musungu


Everlyne Ochieng


Our Team

Team Member 1

Team Position

Team Member 2

Team Position

Team Member 3

Team Position

Get Involved

If you are interested in supporting the E.R.I.C. Cancer Initiative Kenya, there are many ways to get involved. You can make a donation, volunteer your time and skills, or simply help spread the word about the organization’s important work. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against cancer in Kenya.

Contact Us

Nairobi, Kenya

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