E.R.I.C. fights cancer worldwide through our Global Public Health mission. Our international chapters are composed of local, grassroots communities, in low and middle income countries, who have committed to reducing preventable breast cancer related deaths. They strive each day to spread education and awareness, to support and empower community health, and to be a beacon of hope to those in need.

United States Chapter
The hub of our hub and spoke model. The United States chapter provides logistical and financial support for our overseas chapters, while also educating people here in the US.

Uganda Chapter
Established in 2022, E.R.I.C. Cancer Initiative is active in three regions of Uganda and has provided educational seminars to over 30,000 people in Uganda!

Venezuela Chapter
Our longest running International chapter, E.R.I.C. Venezuela has been hard at work in Venezuela for the last seven years.

Colombia Chapter
In the fall of 2023, women's ultimate world champions, Revolution and E.R.I.C. teamed up to launch the Reacciona Project.

Kenya Chapter
In June 2024, E.R.I.C. Cancer Initiative Kenya launched with a mission to train community leaders on breast cancer signs, symptoms, and breast self-exams.

India Chapter
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