Early Detection Brings Relief to Worried Mother and Daughter

Another mother was encountered during a Trainer of trainees’ outreach for Village Health Teams (VHTs) in Mukono district, where she expressed concern about her daughter’s (In the photo) recurring breast lumps. She shared that her daughter first developed a lump while in high school, which was removed at Mukono Hospital. Two years later, another lump was detected in the same breast, and medical help was sought again.

However, at the university level, her daughter discovered two more lumps in her right breast, causing significant worry for both her and her mother, who feared her daughter might have breast cancer. We engaged her daughter and together with Eric team coordinator revisited Mukono Hospital, where we were referred to Naguru Hospital for a Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) test. The results were astonishingly negative for cancer, prompting the mother to loudly express her awe and relief at the miraculous outcome for her dear child. “Indeed early recognition is critical, she pronounced”